Follow secret agent Tyler Samson, codenamed Eagle, as he helps a runaway slave-girl elude enemy agents who are hot on her trail. With her, she carries vital plans involving a revolutionary warship design that will make all other ships obsolete. The dangerous men in pursuit want her and the plans recovered… or eliminated. read more...

Operation Cinder

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Winding Way Books 106 W. Chestnut st. Lancaster, PA

Meet Todd Gontz, author of historically hinged and thoroughly thrilling spy novel Operation Cinder. Below is the scoop on Todd's next public appearances where he'll talk about his writing debut and how Operation Cinder came to be.

Winding Way Books
106 W. Chestnut st. Lancaster, PA 17603 Friday, Dec. 7th, 5-9p

Molly's Pub
253 E.Chestnut st. Lancaster, PA 17603 Sunday, Dec. 9th, 7-10p